Wrong time on google calendar sync

SupportWrong time on google calendar sync
Marco Cotugno asked 5 years ago
Hello,  i've just got the extension to sync with google calendar. I have noticed that when i add an event from my site then it sync it back to google calendar with a different time ( 2 hours later that what i've chosen when adding the event).  The hours are localized to It and the google calendar is set to Rome time. Could you please help me out? Thank you!
3 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 5 years ago
Hi Marco, you need to go to WordPress Settings > General page and change the time zone from time zone as Offset (for example UTC+1) to Europe/Rome Best regards, Nikola
marco_cotugno Staff replied 5 years ago

I did so… but it still does not work..

marco_cotugno Staff answered 5 years ago
Hello Nikola, Thank you for your answer. I have changed the time in general settings but it still does sign the event two hours later.   Any idea?   thank you
Nikola Loncar Staff replied 5 years ago

Is that for new events as well? Have you tried to create new one or edit existing?

Best regards,

marco_cotugno Staff replied 5 years ago

Is for the new events. I have not tried to edit one.
Now i have zero events added. If i add an event to EA in GCal will appear with a plus 2 hours.

Nikola Loncar Staff replied 5 years ago

Can you please take a screenshot of timezone setting in WP?

Best regards,

marco_cotugno Staff replied 5 years ago


Nikola Loncar Staff replied 5 years ago

Thanks, you can’t have UTC+2 there. Please select named timezone like Europe/Rome or other and save her settings.

Best regards,

marco_cotugno Staff replied 5 years ago

Perfect!! now it works!
thank you! : )

kerstin_kapper Staff replied 5 years ago

I got the same problem, but it works now, thanks

surajrebera17@gmail.com Staff replied 5 years ago

I also had the exact problem and it worked perfectly after I gave the city name as proposed by Nikola. Thank you

Nikola Loncar Staff answered 5 years ago
You're welcome ;) Best regards, Nikola