You can't select this time slot error

SupportYou can't select this time slot error
acrunstadler Staff asked 7 years ago
I feel like I'm missing something easy, but I can't find it.  I have 1 service (duration 60, slot step 30), 1 location, 1 worker and 1 connection (combining all three on Fridays from 12:00 to 13:00).  All displays fine, I get the 12:00 and 12:30 slots showing up on Fridays but when I select 12:00, both highlight green and I can proceed with a 12:00 appointment.  When I select 12:30, I get the above error. Multiple work is checked, max number of appointments=100.  Tried in multiple browsers, private sessions. Latest version of Easy Appointments and WordPress.
2 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 7 years ago
Hi, it's working like that by design. You have time between 12-13 it's 60 minutes service so you can go and book 12-13. But if you try 12:30 then it only have 30 minutes instead of 60 so it's not passible. Increase connection to be from for example 12-14 an you will see that you can book 12:30. :) Best regards, Nikola
Nikola Loncar Staff replied 7 years ago

slot step is just a smaller interval for selecting start time but you still have to have time for entire service duration.

Best regards,

SoulMan77 Staff answered 6 years ago
Is it possible to grey out the time slots that are free but cannot contain any task?
Nikola Loncar Staff replied 6 years ago

No ATM because it’s free but if there is less then service time it’s just can’t be selected.

Best regards,