Alternative way to receive .zip file?

SupportAlternative way to receive .zip file?
paul_stokes Staff asked 6 years ago
I’ve purchased the extension plugin and received the email with the link to download the .zip file.  Unfortunately our corporate network blocks access to dropbox.  For background - i’m situated on an offshore gas plant with no other wifi options or 3G signal Is there another way to receive the file?
Nikola Loncar Staff replied 6 years ago

Hi, I can send you temp link but later during this day.

Best regards,

paul_stokes Staff replied 6 years ago

Thank you so much, that would be greatly appreciated

1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 6 years ago
Hi Paul, can you please check email. You should receive new email with temp download link. Best regards, Nikola
paul_stokes Staff replied 6 years ago

Thank you, plugin now received and installed

Thank you so much for your excellent customer service and prompt action