Error in fetching data in password protected page

SupportError in fetching data in password protected page
asitaaa Staff asked 2 years ago
I have appointment schedule as a password-protected page. When I try to access it, it tells me, "the was an error while fetching events."
1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 2 years ago
Hi, looks like there is a block of EA form calls on that page? Can you please check browser console for exact message? Best regards, Nikola
asitaaa Staff replied 2 years ago

net::err_aborted 404

the link is if u email me, I can send you a link with the password for you to inspect.

asitaaa Staff replied 2 years ago

asitaithal at

asitaaa Staff replied 2 years ago

Interestingly, it doesn’t happen when I’m logged in as a wp admin.

asitaaa Staff replied 2 years ago

you should be able to replicate it on your end. just create an appointment schedule page, password-protect it, and access it incognito.

asitaaa Staff replied 2 years ago

{“code”:”rest_forbidden”,”message”:”You cannot view the category resource.”,”data”:{“status”:401}}