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How do I show additional fields, such as, email id, phone#, etc. in full calendar view?
I using Tour Date: {=event.date} in the full calendar view. It shows as yyyy-mm-dd format. I want to show mm/dd/yy…
Vacation days are not displayed when a user is logged out. The days can still be selected. They should be…
I have appointment schedule as a password-protected page. When I try to access it, it tells me, "the was an…
Although I'm using the following shortcode, the fields are not cleared. [[ea_bootstrap width="800px" scroll_off="true" layout_cols="2" save_form_content="0"]] How do I fix…
The admin emails are not being received. How/where do I set it up?
Although the datepicker shows 10/27/2022, the booking overview shows 2/5/1964. How do I fix it?