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Hi 🙂 new version of EasyAppointments is here 3.11.11 with fix for bug that prevented customers from booking long services…
It makes sense when there is a cancellation to also initiate a refund in Woo Commerce when there is a…
Hi 🙂 new version of EasyAppointments is here 3.11.10 with security improvements for Admin section. Now it is sending nonce…
Hi 🙂 new version of EasyAppointments 3.11.9 has been released with new feature for FullCalendar short code. Now you can…
Hi 🙂 there is new version of EasyAppointments 3.11.6 with some code quality improvements. Best regards, Nikola
Hi 🙂 there is a new version of EasyAppointments 3.11.7 with fix for issues with custom redirect on booking. Please…
We only want one slot to be booked per customer. Once one slot is booked this should then be unavailable.…
Good evening sorry my english is not so good. I am testing for weeks booking systems for wordpress for a…
Hello Nikola, I tried to enter with my login to answer my previous question but I don't remember my password…
Hi, I am having trouble with this plugin. When appointments are booked I get a Slot is Taken message. IN…
Hi support I am looking for a plungin to handle the booking in a proyect ( this one look's…
Hi 🙂 there is new version of EasyAppointments 3.11.5 with improvements regarding admin mail notification and fields that are now…
Why has Easy Appointments suddenly stopped syncing with Google calendar? It's been working fine for months, but just started acting…
Hello I have a 3d secure issue when using choosing Debit/credit card payment on mobile Safari. The popup shows but…
Dear Nikola With each of my bookings, I'd like to add the option to book extra items (with an increased…