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I have two employees in Easy Appointment plugin. I want a client to be able to chose whom among the…
Hi :), new version of EasyAppointments is here 3.11.20. There was minor update regarding warning messages inside error log file.…
How to translate calendar week names and months?
Is it possible to differentiate email content based on location, for example, by including a map of the location in…
I need to sell a package consisting of three appointments on different dates at a pre-established price (the customer chooses…
Hi, after having followed to the letter all the guides to make this plug-in work, I have a rather particular…
Hi Nikola, although I changed the time format to 0-24, in the summary table of my appointment, the time is…
Hello Nikola, great plugin been using for years. I have a question, How do i make it so that the next…
ATM we are working on migration to the new Support Forum version. There could be some style issues but it…
Hi, So 2 questions: Where / how do I get the Extension add-on? I can't find it anywhere... With multiple…
Dear Nikola, Time to time (almost every second page load) I get the “Internal error. Please try again later.” pop…
Hi Nikola,First of all, great product you created! Thank you. After confirming or cancelling an appointment, a page is displayed with…
Hi, our website is hosted with No Hassle, who recently upgraded the servers. Our website, Saurabh Cricket Coaching, has been…
I have had this plugin for a long time and use it for new services as they are added to…
Dear Nikola!I've purchased the plugin in 2022.03, I needed to reinstall the plugin recently but sadly the dropbox link I've…