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When is next update for Easy Appointments plugin? Current Version 3.6.1 When is Version 3.6.2 going to be released?
If I use 2 EA Appointment calendars for frontend, on different pages, will the calendar data synchronise? If they work…
Hi Nikola. I have set up a Twillio trial account and inserted the authcode etc. Into Connect Beta. I have…
I am trying to connect in Beta Connect, my Google calendar. I am prompted to view a video tutorial but…
Hi Nikola. To get around multiple selections then I ticked on Woocommerce option and added products. Every time I saved…
Hi.Is there any way that I can add an appointment in the admin area that I can manually enter the…
I have EA installed at: https://rstskryne.ie/book-now/ I have a serious issue in that after filling in payment option "Pay by…
Hi Nikola How do I find the correct document to edit to change "Price" to "Deposit" in EA?
I have a new installation for https://rstskryne.ieSessions are in 30 minute intervals with no grace period ( no time to block…
Hi. When an appointment is cancelled I want the page to redirect to: https://blossomhealing.ie/appointment-cancelled/ but instead it just goes to…
Hi Nicola. Would it be possible to make a new employee to take a free appointment? At present the system…
Over 6 weeks since I was promised that a bug would be fixed. It has not been fixed! I am…
When pay by credit card is selected from smart button then the submit for payment button is a blue button…
Booking Form goes to PayPal payment without reCatchpa box being ticked. See www.blossomhealing.ie/appointments/ It worked before smart button updates but…