Book multiple time slots
Sessions are in 30 minute intervals with no grace period ( no time to block before or after time slot)How do I book numerous sessions in one booking?
For example how do I book a 60 minute time slot without having to book twice for each 30 minute slot?
Better to have ability to book multiple sessions in 1 form submission as doing it this way would double up on each service and also what if there is a 3 hour booking! You would have endless services.
One question please.
Been thinking.
We changed the sessions to one hour and if someone wants to book for two hours – 8 to 10 – they have to book the two hours separately. 8 to 9 and 9 to 10.
If some wanted to book an hour from the half hour – say 10.30 to 11.30 – I am guessing they cannot unless we go back to showing 30 minute sessions.
We might have to go back to showing booking in 30 minute sessions but in the information table and via the system state and only allow minimium of 1 hour bookings.
Can this be done.?
Show sessions as 30 minutes but only allow 1 hour bookings.
Thanks Liam.
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