Changing the Reply-to on Email Notifications

SupportChanging the Reply-to on Email Notifications
Ryan Creger asked 7 years ago
Hi,  I asked a similar question a couple days ago, but I am having some troubles logging into the system and commenting further, so here we are.  I am having a problem with the email notifications that are being sent out to myself, and my clients when they make an appointment on my site. Currently when you fill out an appointment you receive an automated email, but for whatever reason it sets the reply-to as my personal email not my business one. I have gone through every link and setting on my site and do not have my personal email saved anywhere. I guess I am mainly curious how the system determines the reply-to address, and if there is a way to change it? Any help would be wonderful.
1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 7 years ago
Hi Ryan, have you set option send from inside EA Settings > Customize page? There you can specify email address which will be in FROM field inside email. But keep in mind about domain policy and that some email servers can move that to spam or even block emails if domains not match. Best regards, Nikola