Include two or more different services in a shortcode?

SupportInclude two or more different services in a shortcode?
pamelapar Staff asked 7 years ago
I have a situation where I want to offer multiple different services at each location. Is it possible to configure the shortcode so that multiple services can be specified (but all non-specified services be excluded)? 
4 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 7 years ago
It's not possible at the moment. Can you please tell how important this feature is for you? Best regards, Nikola
pamelapar Staff answered 7 years ago
Well, it\'s pretty critical to a service that I want to offer. We are a local directory and I want to be able to offer appointment scheduling as a service to small businesses that aren\'t very technically savvy. Since these are separate businesses, I don\'t want them to necessarily see others\' prices. Another possibility would be to connect a service with a worker (or multiple workers, maybe), so that when a worker was specified, the shortcode would only show services that the available worker was capable of performing.
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 7 years ago
You can do that with locations. When you create for example two locations (location1 and location2) then create a connections with services:
Location1 - Service1 - Worker Location1 - Service2 - Worker Location2 - Service3 - Worker
Then when user select Location1 it will only see Service1 and Service2 as a options. Same thing goes for Location2.   Best regards, Nikola
pamelapar Staff answered 7 years ago
Ok, this must be a bug, then, because I have two locations and two different workers, but when I implement the shortcode specifying one location and one worker, it is showing the services from both locations.  Here's the connections set up:  And the shortcode:    And here's what I see on the front end:  Shouldn't I only see the services associated with that location? I'm just testing right now, hence the generic names of things. 
pamelapar Staff replied 7 years ago

And, to be clear, if this locations functionality was working, I wouldn’t need to specify multiple services in the shortcode.