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Hi Nicola! I saw shortcodes, but i cant configure my calendar autoselect first available day and time slot.Can u add…
Hello, I've paid 9.99$ through PayPal. The transaction is still waiting and didn't have received the credential to access the…
Hi, Yesterday I bought the "Easy Appointments Support Forum account" package. I did get a Paypal payment confirmation email, however I…
I have the following ICS generated by the plugin:BEGIN:VCALENDARVERSION:2.0PRODID:-//hacksw/handcal//NONSGML v1.0//ENCALSCALE:GREGORIANBEGIN:VEVENTUID:EA_0000000158DTSTART;TZID=+02:00:20231031T080000DTEND;TZID=+02:00:20231031T093000DTSTAMP:20230911T110917ZLOCATION:1164 Budapest\, Galgahéviz utca 2.DESCRIPTION:Pedikűr és géllakkozás - beuskabeauty.huSUMMARY:Pedikűr és géllakkozás…
Is it possible to set a follow up email for the client, one hour after his appointment?
Hi, Is there a way for the plugin to automatically activate a Google Meet event upon creating a calendar…
I have verified that confirmation messages do not reach emails with Google domains (gmail.com). How could I solve it? Thanks
How many websites may I use easy-appointment extension with a single extension payment?
Hello Nikola, I have a question and i am not sure if that possibleI want to prevent the user from…
Hi. Hi. I have an issue that the appoinments are auto cancelled all the time. I have set the 2…
I have a problem that random appointments gets cancelled minute after the confirmation. I was trying to find out if…
Hi Nicola! I install EA v3.11.11 and when I try change calendar language in EA-Options-Date and Time-Calendar localization for exaple…
Hey, I just followed Nikolas Tutorial of connecting Easy Appointments with the Google Calendar, but it still shows free appointments…
Hello, in the last weeks the plugin and the extension connect on my website studionewlife.it seems to be syncing appointments…
hello and thank you for the application! works great for most of my needs! from time to time i need…