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Hello, Thanks for your plugin! I want to make the booking paying for most of the users, but for some…
Hi, I have a problem with sending email.Unfortunately, no email is going out.Neither to the client nor to the admin.The…
Hi, We are facing a problem. When customer book an appointment, we and they get the initial email about the…
[EA_BOOTSTRAP] crashed on my site. I was stopped all other plugin, but it's not better. https://tachocontroll.hu/zoom
Hello, I just bought the forum subscription but I haven't received my credentials, please send them to me, thank you…
Hi Nicola! I saw shortcodes, but i cant configure my calendar autoselect first available day and time slot.Can u add…
Hello, I've paid 9.99$ through PayPal. The transaction is still waiting and didn't have received the credential to access the…
Hi, Yesterday I bought the "Easy Appointments Support Forum account" package. I did get a Paypal payment confirmation email, however I…
I have the following ICS generated by the plugin:BEGIN:VCALENDARVERSION:2.0PRODID:-//hacksw/handcal//NONSGML v1.0//ENCALSCALE:GREGORIANBEGIN:VEVENTUID:EA_0000000158DTSTART;TZID=+02:00:20231031T080000DTEND;TZID=+02:00:20231031T093000DTSTAMP:20230911T110917ZLOCATION:1164 Budapest\, Galgahéviz utca 2.DESCRIPTION:Pedikűr és géllakkozás - beuskabeauty.huSUMMARY:Pedikűr és géllakkozás…
Is it possible to set a follow up email for the client, one hour after his appointment?
Hi, Is there a way for the plugin to automatically activate a Google Meet event upon creating a calendar…
I have verified that confirmation messages do not reach emails with Google domains (gmail.com). How could I solve it? Thanks
How many websites may I use easy-appointment extension with a single extension payment?
Hello Nikola, I have a question and i am not sure if that possibleI want to prevent the user from…
Hi. Hi. I have an issue that the appoinments are auto cancelled all the time. I have set the 2…