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Hi. How can I show the day in the "Reservation Summary", for example, to be displayed(Monday, January 11, 2021 10:00)…
Hi, is there an API of some sort so that I can make a custom frontend, and then passing it…
Hey! Followup on a question from two days ago, I have been trying to find the database path of EA…
How to see where is the database in EA. do you have instructions or guideless to see the data of…
Hey Nikola, I have used the plugin the past months and like it, but now we are migrating parts of…
Is there anything in place to make it possible for someone to schedule an appointment after 24 hours or more?…
Hey i cannt set few calendars on one page, im getting errors in console, and just one calendar is loading.…
Hi, I have your plugin on one of my sites and have placed it in German language. When I hit…
can't find id # after the redesign happened?
I have the calendar and form, and info box on right. Is there a way to put a custom (or…
Hi, My team and I love this plugin!! We tried to add a new location for our fitness center and…
The following warning is appearing in my PHP Error Log again: woocommerce_add_order_item_meta is deprecated since version 3.0.0! Use woocommerce_new_order_item…
Hi 🙂 new version of EasyAppointments is here 3.2.3. We have added ID column on settings page for Location, Service…
Hi Nikola, I have 2 questions about your plug-in we're using. Is it already possible to let the user select…
Sto segnalando da diversi giorni che la versione con lo shortcode EA Bootstrap, su telefono mobile non funziona. non compare…