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We are using this plugin for online appointment booking and we get numerous calls daily from people complaining something is…
Hi, I have 1 calendar setup for taking bike service bookings on my website. Im now looking to add another…
Hi Nikola, First of all thank you for this amazing plugin. Just a little query is that we want to…
Hi, there is a new version of EasyAppointments 3.2.2 with bug fix for empty edit fields on service form. :)…
I bought the plugin on April 19th, but I need to re-download the plugin but the link I received originally…
Hi, I am building a website to sell courses. I have 9 courses and 30 locations. Some locations offer a…
imamo gresku na authorizaciji Authorization Error Error 403: access_denied The developer hasn’t given you access to this app. It’s currently…
I have 3 workers and single Location. If the user chose for example Worker #1 on 10:00 I would like…
Hello! I was trying to learn how to use the vacation feature with my website but a problem happened.…
Can customer and admin receive sms when customer choose appointment, before validate the appointment ? And also after validation. Can…
EasyAppointments is wishing you happy holidays and to have as many Appointments as there can be in 2021 ? Thanks…
The way easy app worked historically, you set up the service and department with the dates through eternity. To then…
Hi there! On my mobile, the popup frame on Full Calendar with event details don't resize to my screen. The…
Is it possible to integrate Easy Apointments with Twillio WhatsApp messaging in addition to Twillio SMS? Thank you!
Hi, when i want to schedule vacation i must fill in "tooltip"? what does it mean? my integrated google calender…