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I have no idea what has happened as I had the Paypal smart button showing and working the issue I…
Version 3.0.12 breaks worker field dropdown. The location is showing in the worker dropdown.
there is no beta or paypal setting in updated version ipurchased. please fix
Hi, there is a new version of EasyAppointments 3.0.12 with important security fixes so please update. Best regards, Nikola
I have just seen this alert in my Paypal dashboard for the extension plugin Paypal feature: Alert: An active service disruption…
Hi Nikola! I have the issue that we have multiple locations but per location only one worker. I would love…
Hi, I bought the extension version, but didn´t receive an email. Do I have to wait?
How can I change the color of the selected day in the eafront-boostrap.css? The background colors of days with free…
Hello, I have the Easyappointments application configured so that users can book appointments (provided there is capacity) up to 1…
My question would be how can I prevent clients to schedule an appointment for more than once. I set up…
Hi Nikola I am nearly there now with getting Paypal working but in production mode I think I am stuck…
YES!! The Paypal button works when I use SMART BUTTON War is over, I am loving the plugin!!!
Hi Nikola I have again returned to your system and in all honesty I prefer your plugin's layout and interface…
Hi 🙂 there is a new version of Extension plugin 0.13.2 with fix for missing PayPal button that may occur…
The canceled email send to admin looks like a reservation mail. It is not the canceled mail that is sent…