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Hey. Is it possible to fetch data via API at the moment? If not, will this be implemented in the…
Hi! Does plugin supports template override? So it's possible to easy customize front-end design without affecting core files?
Hello, I have a few customization questions / bugs and will appreciate if you can help us with this as…
I hide the unavailable slots by the following line you suggested: .time-disabled.time-disabled.time-disabled { display: none; }That works fine!My question is…
Hi Nikola Could the issue of no buttons showing be due to the shortcode which I came across more by…
Hi Nikola I cannot find a way of continuing conversation in the same thread? I have the following plugin versions…
Hi Nikola, we have to admit we are very disappointed by your support and also personally.We bought the extended version,…
Hi! Is it possible to change the page that customers are sent to when they cancel an appointment? I would…
Hi Fabio and thank you for a great plugin. I'm just testing the free version before getting the premium version.…
Hi Nikola, Is there any way to assign a CSS class to the Submit button? I'd like to take advantage…
Hi Nicola,Thanks for this great plugin, I have a question for you, Nicola, can after the customer place an order,…
Hello, When trying to save any customizations (in the settings > customize) I get an alert: There has been some…
What would be the best way from your point of view to add additional validations for custom fields to the…
Hi 🙂 there is a new version of EasyAppointments 3.0.11 with some bug fixes like Notice PHP messages and time…