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Hello, I have a a problem with the landing page of my customer after he has sent his appointment…
Is there a solution if the calendar is not displayed? When I change the theme to twentytwenty everything works fine.…
i need to keep only the location in the front end form and remove the both worker section and Service…
Hi Nikola, hope you will be fine, i have a question. There is an option to show the Full Calendar…
Hi, I have a client who is using Easy Appointment and they are getting the following error. Warning: call_user_func_array()…
Hello, Is there any settings for blocking apply for one slot with the same email address mutiple times? Thanks in…
Hello, I installed the plugin and set up all the steps, it works fine but when Itry to update connections…
Is it possible to setup two unique booking forms within the same website? ie, if I have 2 clients on…
Fantastic plugin. I would like to request ZOOM video conference integration so that when the meeting status is changed from…
Hello 🙂 Great plugin, but im struggling to change some ONE color in the calnedar. color and background color of…
Hi, there is a new version of EasyAppointments 3.0.8 with some small bug fixes and improvements regarding FullCalendar styles. Now…
Use wordpress called xfree.wordpress version: 5.5.1php version: php7.4WP plugin for easy appointmentsIn SettingsTo ServicesAdded two Names. 10 minutes course, 20…
Hi! First of all thanks for making this beautiful plugin easy appointments. So I am using free version of easy…