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Only in Chrom and Edge, the colors of the calendar are wrong. (It is good in Firefox) instead of being…
Hi! Latest WP, using latest Ark theme http://arktheme.com/. When choose date and time, fill down user fields (we have just…
Hi Nicol, Thanks for this great plugin, it covers all the requirement of creating an appointment. I have few issues,…
Hi Nikola, I've been seeing a couple of issues in my PHP Error Log with WooCommerce. I reached out to…
Is it possible to have the phone number field include validation or formatting so that the number includes hyphens when…
Hi 🙂 new version of EasyAppointments 3.0.10 is here with small improvements regarding Appointments page. Now you can navigate through…
Hi, I saw that someone else had this exact problem but there were no answers to resolve the issue so…
I am trying to remove the Worker label from the form and found this guideline: – How to hide service…
Hi. Does the fornend of the interface available in hebrew language? Also, is the design customizable? I've seen this website…
Hello, Is it possible to use multiple currencies i.e. price one appointment type in USD for the US market and…
Hi, Is there a way to redirect to the home page after de cancel button is pressed?
Hi 🙂 there is a new version of EasyAppointment 3.0.8 with two bug fixes regarding: Label above field in [[ea_bootstrap]]…
Hello, the text "<small>Erforderliche Formularfelder sind mit einem <span class="ea-required">*</span> gekennzeichnet</small>" is rendered incorrectly, due to the html entities used.Is…
Hi, someone else also asked this 2 weeks ago and I am having this issue too: I changed the time…
Hi, It will be so good if we have the possibility that users add tips just before go to PayPal.…