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Hi there, I tried to look for an answer in the forum but I couldn’t.In my case I have two…
Hi, there is new version of Extension plugin 0.13.1 with fix for PHP warning message made in 0.13.0. so please…
Hello! I need a booking system that I have 10 meeting rooms, and I need the user to choose date…
How can I solve this message at the foot page Notice: Undefined variable: local_button in/var/www/wp-content/plugins/easy-appointments-connect/src/paypal_logic.phpon line235
I'm still having trouble with customers being able to book a service that goes over the closed time. The service…
Hi, @Nikola When I create the appointment from the backend, I have problems selecting the time, sometimes it does not…
I am seeing 2 paypal checkouts on my plugin can you please help out what could be the issue Here…
Hello! I would like to se if you can add autoselect id there's only one available worker? We have 2…
How can I change the border and box shadow of the text entry fields? E.G. Name/Email etc. URL cr.temphost.dev/booking
Hi Nikola, Now all has been set up properly thanks to your help, I have 11 calenders representing 11 regions…
Hi sir or madam, my booking email notification is not working can you please advise how to fix it thank…
How can I change the color of the border and the box shadow on both calendar and the fields? …
Hello @Nikola Loncar Since none of my questions are being answered, I'll ask once again Deleted EA appointments wont delete…
I’ve just finished setting Easy Appointments free version without extention on my website and I booked a trial appointment (as…
is there no way to select multiple services per booking? we operate a salon and would like the user to…