Thursday 23 February 2023
Due to high spam bot activity we had to add additional check for new threads. Now threads are by default in pending for review state and until approval they will not be visible to others beside admin and a thread creator.
Additional news is regarding forum registration that is blocked now. It will be only available via small payment that is going to be introduced soon or by purchasing Extension plugin which creates user account by default. One time fee for creating new account will be $9.99 .

Login Register $9.99 Ask Question

frontend appointments management

Good day,Is it possible to manage appointments in frontend?I created a “control panel” for my logged-in client in order to…

750 views1 answers0 votes
Nikola Loncar answered 5 years ago
Cron task for clearing unconfirmed slots (pending status)?

Hello, I've just found the possibility clearing reserved slots with "?_ea-action=clear_reservations". But can clear unconfirmed slots aswell? Thank youNadine

692 views0 answers0 votes
Nadine asked 4 years ago
Loyal customers and member area

HI, Could you make an option in the plugin for people who make appointments to enter to a rewards program…

684 views0 answers0 votes
John asked 4 years ago
How to seperate booking on different sites

Hello is it possible to sepperate my bookings for example by tags so that i can insert the plugin on…

671 views1 answers0 votes
Nikola Loncar answered 4 years ago
he [ea_standard] code

Hello @Nikola 1.The [[ea_standard]] code was inserted in several pages, I am trying to delete it and leave the text…

1028 views0 answers0 votes
alexandra_rivera asked 4 years ago
Booking calendar and form inside a pop-up not working

Hi Nikola, I put the form shortcode inside a popup, but the calendar is blocked, however it is possible to…

1442 views2 answers0 votes
FernandoChim answered 4 years ago
Alternative to get Google Calendar info in EA? Maybe through GSUITE?

Hi Nikola, Wasted many hours to resolve an issue after uploading a logo within OAuth as this requires a verification…

777 views1 answers0 votes
Nikola Loncar answered 4 years ago
Error on delete

All info I try to 'delete' causes errors. fields, connections etc

3101 views3 answers0 votes
gregp answered 4 years ago
Adding event from gc does not sync event subject to ea appointment name field

@Nikola,  Hi Nikola, I've updated to latest Extension plugin version, but the empty fields in EA are still an issue…

622 views0 answers0 votes
Dark asked 4 years ago

Possible bug: When I generate a report the phone number column does output into the excel file. All other fields…

1148 views1 answers0 votes
Nikola Loncar answered 4 years ago
SMS to Twilio in UCS-2/GSM-7

Your plugin sending SMS to Twilio in UCS-2 format. It cost 3-4 times more per 1 SMS. Twilio can accept…

715 views1 answers0 votes
Nikola Loncar answered 4 years ago
Google calendar plugin extension

Hello @Nikola  Google calendarHow should I create the calendars for each of the employees? When adding the calendar, now only…

999 views2 answers0 votes
alexandra_rivera answered 4 years ago
New version – Extension plugin 0.12.4

Hi 🙂 there is a new version of Extension plugin 0.12.4 with Google Sync improvements. So now you can use…

654 views0 answers0 votes
Nikola Loncar asked 4 years ago
Can't set the sender email address

Dear Nikola, Since version 3 (it seems to me), the email address used as sender of notification emails remains blocked…

715 views0 answers0 votes
Electrogym asked 4 years ago
I bought Extension Plugin

Hello, I bought the plugin extension, I received the link to download it, but how is it added? where it…

970 views0 answers0 votes
alexandra_rivera asked 4 years ago

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