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Hello. I have configured Twilio settings per your instructions. A worker receives a SMS text message, but the customer does…
after user submit appointment i receive more than one mail to approve for one user why i receive more than…
i added new field select services in form how can i sent the service that user select in the email…
Hi,a quick question. What is the latest supported php version?Want to upgrade to php 7.4 and the php version checker…
Both user and worker are not receiving any email notification after booking, since be have been reach to reservation
error happen when i book appointment this link about error happen please check this link : https://prnt.sc/tkl68c
@Nikola Loncar. I've checked https://easy-appointments.com/documentation/hooks-and-callbacks/ but can't understand how to use on bootstrap version. Can you please help to integrate.…
the most of our communication gets over an separate business software. It would be a big deal if new appointments…
I have deleted an appointment for a specific date and time, but the slot is still showing 1 taken out…
Hi there, Love your plugin. Worked like a charm on my testsite unfortunately it does not work in my live…
If for any reason I have to deactivate and then reactivate easy appointments plugin it creates a second set of…
Is there a way to add a user interface that allows a user to login and see all their scheduled…
Hi Nicola, Is it possible for the Visitor to get a confirmation email once the Agent clicks the #url_confirm# link…
Hi, Firstly, this is a really great plug-in and brought the services on our web page to a new level.…
Dear Nikola, I am using a placeholder text in custom form fields. Is it possible to hide the label as…