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Is it possible to have required form fields on some forms but not others? 1st Goal: To have customer provide…
I recently bought your product. I am very happy with it. There's only one drawback that I can think of. …
Hi, Nikola, thank you for reply at my question, but the problem is not in template file (i think), the…
Hi, im having trouble with two things; The layout of the form are not as shown on the example of…
Ive lost the email with the ability to confirm - I\\\'ve simply for now copied an pasted…
Hi, in template booking.overview.tpl.php is possible to show the address of locations after location name?Obviously based on the choice made…
Sample: Center 1, Service 1, Monitor 1.Service 1: Connections: 07:00 - 08:30, 08:30 - 10:00, 10:00 - 11:30 ...Connection: 15…
When selecting Services, newly added services go to the first in the drop down menu. Can we order it manually?…
How can a worker display in fullcalendar the name of the person who made the appointment and the description?
The appointment is pending when confirming it in the mail, a message appears indicating that the appointment cannot be confirmed,…
Hi there 🙂 Saw your post about helping out with some custom features for COVID, thanks for doing what you…
Hi there, wonderful plugin Adding the default_date to the full calendar view it stops the calendar from showing...any clue? I…
Congratulations on your great plugin. Would it be possible to add more fields to the form ?, specifically the field…
Easy appointments is working well with 2017 theme I fancied a change and there is option to preview on a…
Hello. I am the admin for a non-profit running group. Do to the COVID-19 I want to use your…