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Thank you for your amazing job ! During these dark covid time, your plugin is very helpful. Will we be…
Hello, if i delete an event from google calendar it won't delete/cancel it on EA I am using the advanced…
Even if I set I got this message, it's because it's the trial version? East Appointments - Settings validation: You…
We'd like the ability to remove / add to / rename -- the worker / service / location drop downs. …
I accidentally deleted my google calendar and it made the appointments flip to canceled in the booking plugin. I now…
hi, when i make too many appointments by myself in a short time (about 100 appointments from one pc), it…
Hi, Thanks for the nice plugin! But I have a question. In my office there is 1 worker who works…
Hey. I have set the following setting: "delete from GCal will: Cancel appointment in EA" So, when I set an…
Hi, In the bookinf form i want to change the location drop down field into an autofill Zipcode field. So that…
Hi, I bought it using mathy.m@outlook.com, but I didn't receive any e-mail?
i installed EA plugin part of my website. When I am in the admin WP mode, submit works with the…
We operate nursing homes for the elderly in Germany and so far there has been a ban on visits. This…
When all slot booked disable that date to not clickable, It's possiable
when current date appointments are completed, Open the next day in the calendar, its possiable.
No matter if you set the value to 1, 2 or 10. Even if you are unlogged as admin or…