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Hi, for soem reason (a staging plugin, long story) I had to delete appointments from google and went back to…
Over 6 weeks since I was promised that a bug would be fixed. It has not been fixed! I am…
Hi. It is possible that when a time slot has been booked, it can be greyed out so that no-one…
HI Nikola, I have used the calendar as using below code on my website. I have couple of service 1-1…
I have a problem concerning the confirmation-link. When I click on the link the website opens but the message "Termin…
Hello @Nikola 1.The [[ea_standard]] code was inserted in several pages, I am trying to delete it and leave the text…
Hello, I bought the plugin extension, I received the link to download it, but how is it added? where it…
Getting https://saurabhcricketcoaching.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php - 403 error when trying to save Twilio SMS page. Hence unable to send messages to customers for…
Request TimeoutServer timeout waiting for the HTTP request from the client.Please provide steps to update the extension.
Hello dear support team,I have the following problem:I created employees and services and linked them together. The date and the…
I just booked 2 appointments with the plugging, but I went to look at booked appointments I couldn’t find em.It…
The GDPR Box is unfortunately not visible, although it is set to visible in the settings. According to HTML, the…
Hi, I'm setting up WooCommerce and it works great, except I don't see the point of asking for Personal Information…
I've tried this: [ea_bootstrap width="100%" scroll_off="true" layout_cols="2" worker="1" service="1"]which has got rid of options for barber and service, I would…
Hello NikolaI recently bought the extension, the plug-in works great too.I inform you of an error that appears to me…