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Hi Nikola, On frontend making a reservation as a customer when we click on Cancel button nothing happens. In my…
I have a problem that some of my workers are pressing the cancel-link in some of the reservation/confirmation emails that…
The custom form field is showing: 如何得知我們 How did you learn about us: #%e5%a6%82%e4%bd%95%e5%be%97%e7%9f%a5%e6%88%91%e5%80%91-how-did-you-know-about-us# These should probably be Chinese characters, but…
Hi, there is a new version 2.11.1 with minor change to Phone custom field inside customers form. Now leading zeros…
It would be awesome to delete appointments created some time ago automatically, or please add checkboxes to appointment list, so…
Is it possible to delete past appointments form the database? Storing the names and phone numbers of past clients might…
Hi there. I want to know How can I set quantity of appointments for one time slot? This because we…
Hi Nikola, Your plugin is fantastic! There seems to be just one small issue with it - at least in…
Hello, All appointments marked as "free" in Google calendar (meaning that I'm not busy) are considered "busy" by Easy Appointment. …
Do manually entered appointments in Google Calender also sync back to E.A.? We've entered an appointment in the synced calender,…
Hey Nikola First of all: thanks for the awesome tool you created!I've been working to set it up to my…
Can this scheduler auto select worker based on the next available who has not been booked for that time yet?…
Hi, i could have the form in two languages?, i have WPML installed and running in two languages and i…
I would like to only allow one of 6 barbers to be booked out for a service per time slot.…