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Can't seem to buy the extended plugin. I tried by credit card and by paypal account bun none work. How…
Hi again I'm sorry, but we would like a reply about it , if it possible. THe plugin is great…
Welcome, I am happy to announce that Support forum is finally open. If you buy extension plugin you will be…
Hi NikolaGreat plugin, thanks for all the work you are doing.the twilio logs correctly report the texts sent to me…
Hi, the download link I had is no longer active. Could you please tell me where is the download section?…
Is it possible to add a 'lead time' to appointments? For instance, require that the guest make the appointment request…
I have 1 worker with multiple services (multiple connections). All services have duration/slot step = 60/60 (1 slot). If I…
Hi there, I am trying to set up connections that allow for 10 available appointment slots per 15 minutes. For…
Hi, I just made the payment via Paypal for the extension, but got an error message and I have not…
Hello, I have the latest version of Easy Appointment (Version 2.10.2) i did setup the calender and added this shortcode…
Hy! Where can I replace the horizontal placeholder (-) mark with text?
also I can't see all locations together in the reports section
group some locations. Also, when a location is selected from that group, the appointment should appear full at other locations.(red)
Hello I installed your Easy Appointments plugin and extension plugin in my localhost, and works fine!!! But, when i paste…