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Hi, there is new version of EasyAppointments 2.10.1 with small fix in case you have a new connections without slot…
Hello Nikola, I have an issue after upgrade on new version. Not possible to select date and time on frontend…
Can the calendar be setup to view only one week to sign up, like a Google Calendar?
Hello, I am trying to figure out how I can sync (2) of my calendars for booking appointments. The 2…
Hi, new 2020 is just started but we already have some great news 🙂 . There is a new version…
Good morning, I am testing this plugin to implement it in the reservation of a paddle court. But I have…
Hi Nilola, this did not work Nikola Loncar has answered your question at "How can I change the reserved date highlight…
how do I change the date labels on the calendar? I changed the month label on the calendar using…
Just trying to determine how to change the reserved date highlight to red not grey ?
How do I configure 90 minute slots ? They start at 8am and the last one begins at 10pm, but…
Hi Nik, for some reason my clients and I cannot book the appointment via smartphone, please see attached picture. We…
Hi there! I would like to move a couple of things around and to change some things. Is there anyone…
the text is cut off in half in the drop-down: http://tinyurl.com/wmodqqv https://nexusball.com/en/news/book-time-for-stickers/ any tips on how to fix this?
Please add confirm dialog on delete button. We have many misclicks...