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Hi, I installed this morning this plugin to test . I cannot delete or modified the connexions I made…
Hi Nikolay, How can I set a break between appointments. I have to travell from one appointment to another. It's…
Hi there! I am trying the app and I would like to know if I can edit style with elementor.…
Please let me know if your plugin works with BuddyBoss or BuddyPress or both.
Hi, is there a way that I can keep the time slot open for more than one person to book?…
Hey Nikola, Is it possible to set some time slots that count as not bookable (for breaks/pauses) on different days?…
Dear Community, I have a few clients reporting that they don’t get email notification after an appointment has been confirmed.…
Dear Nikola When I add an event in my google calender, the time slots in the easy appointments plugin on…
Hello, There are some custom fields dor input, textarea, list, etc. but is there any way to have just a…
I have completed all sections of the appointment calendar to the point of sending a test email. Once receiving the…
EasyAppointments is wishing you happy holidays and to have as many Appointments as there can be in 2020 😀 Thanks…
I just paid but i did nit received an email yet
Hi, On customizable form fields we have : text input, textare, list, email, phone but would it be great to…
Hello, Yesterday I receive a wordpress message, I have an E Error with your setting. I copy paste the message:…