Thursday 23 February 2023
Due to high spam bot activity we had to add additional check for new threads. Now threads are by default in pending for review state and until approval they will not be visible to others beside admin and a thread creator.
Additional news is regarding forum registration that is blocked now. It will be only available via small payment that is going to be introduced soon or by purchasing Extension plugin which creates user account by default. One time fee for creating new account will be $9.99 .

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Glyphicons Halfings font not loaded in Chrome and Edge on Windows 10

I use the bootstrap look but I noticed that the left and right arrow for selecting another month didn't show.…

1237 views2 answers0 votes
Nikola Loncar answered 7 years ago
Woocommerce redirection

So i set the settings to redirect, but when they hit submit it just stops and doesnt move forward. The…

4360 views3 answers0 votes
Nikola Loncar answered 7 years ago
Time not showing on desktop

Hello,I have spent a great deal of time trying to fix this problem by scrolling through the forums and wordpress…

963 views3 answers0 votes
Nikola Loncar answered 7 years ago
Time Zone Feature

Hello Nikola , My customers live in different time zones. How to let customers to select their own  time zone and…

1923 views1 answers1 votes
Nikola Loncar answered 7 years ago
Uninstall didn't remove database tables

Apparently I'd already installed the plugin some years ago, because upon installation there were already locations and workers filled in…

1044 views1 answers0 votes
Nikola Loncar answered 7 years ago
Overlapping appointments for same worker in multiple connections are not checked.

Use case: My brother offers free trial guitar lessons for potential customers, but only on specific time slots. These time…

1225 views1 answers0 votes
Nikola Loncar answered 7 years ago
Error: duration / slot step must be round number.

Use case:My brother offers guitar lessons with a duration of 45 minutes. After each lesson he wants 15 minutes to…

3442 views1 answers0 votes
Nikola Loncar answered 7 years ago
Reservation table not loading

Hi Nikola, At this moment the page "reservations" is not loading the table, so it is not possible to see…

1158 views2 answers0 votes
mrdoubleyou answered 7 years ago
Cancel Appointments

My question is how can my visitors which have made an appointment cancel it by them self in case they…

949 views1 answers1 votes
Nikola Loncar answered 7 years ago
Customize Select Service First Item "-"

I want to replace the dash "-" in the Select Service dropdown list in the booking form. I would like…

885 views0 answers1 votes
nadhir_bedani asked 7 years ago
Preselecting date and time

Hello, Is there a way to pre-select the date or time in the calendar date picker? The reason for this…

787 views0 answers0 votes
remingtonchan asked 7 years ago

Hi, i have a problem by installing easy-appointments, the following error appears: \\\"Extension can not be included because it causes a fatal…

1052 views2 answers0 votes
tomasz_rejman answered 7 years ago
New version – EasyAppointments 2.3.4

Hi ? new version is here 2.3.3 there are some some improvements like : * Updated pot translation file (US)…

970 views0 answers1 votes
Nikola Loncar asked 7 years ago
Can i use the calendar for specific times of the day?

I would like to know if the calendar can be set up for specific times of the day.  For example,…

893 views1 answers0 votes
Nikola Loncar answered 7 years ago
Confirmation emails ARE working with Gmail… NOT with aol or yahoo

I have conducted several test emails... some go through to the customer, some do not. I have narrowed it down to…

1247 views3 answers0 votes
Nikola Loncar answered 7 years ago

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