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How can I solve this asap? The user is getting an email notification, but no emails to admin or worker.…
I have buy Extension plugin – starter but i can't use it because there are bugs on Esay Appointments. The function to…
I have followed the documentation but my page is displaying terrible. Not sure what needs to be done. It's way…
I can´t save email Message for pending. Everything else works fine. If i try to save it, i get the…
Hello NIkola, first thanks for the great plugin is super useful. I want to ask can i change the color…
How can I solve this asap? The user is getting an email notification, but no emails to admin or worker.…
Hi, there is a new version of Extension plugin 0.8.4 with : NEW - Not required payment option for PayPal…
The PayPal extension is working correctly; however, there is no option in Easy Appoints to not use PayPal. I want…
Hallo, I like the plugin, but I have a very big problem. I do eyerythink I have to do, so…
I am wondering if your calendar can capture the appointment maker's IP address. Can reports be exported with the reservation…
Hi Nikola, I'd like to send a SMS reminder with Twilio 24 hours before appointment. Is it possible to customize…
Hi Nikola, Thank you for your very good plugin (it's only missing padding appointments and Email reminder). I purchased Easy…
As I was setting up the services, I somehow generated over 1,500 appointments. I managed to delete them by deleting…