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Hi, I just purchased the add-on, it's been over an hour and the email with the download has not arrived...can…
Hi Nikola I had a few communications last year with you when we added your plug-in to our website. We…
Hi Nikola, Here's my situation: I work with 20+ workers (and more coming), and 20 services with each their own…
Hi, work on adding PayPal support to extension plugin is on the way. Soon you will be able add you…
i was wondering if one could translate the calendar as well, so it is displaying the months in another language.…
I want to display calendar in weekly format including week number
Make possible to alter start day on calendar inside customers form. By default it's today. This will be done by…
I just updated to the latest version of Easy Appointments and I'm now getting the following error on my homepage:…
We use the Easy Appointments plugin for people to schedule a furniture pickup for donations. We really need to be…
Hi, there are new versions for both EasyAppointments and Extension. Main improvement there is resolving a issue with Polylang plugin…
Hi, I have a website, http://cargate.se, where i have installed the easy appointments plugin. For some reason, an email is…
Hi, there are some good news that I want to share with you. From now on easy-appointments.com is located in…
Adding a ClickSend support for sending SMS notification to Extension plugin. Allow users to customize and send SMS notification on…