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Hi Nikola!: Is it possible for a worker to change his or her schedule, or his or her situation if…
Nikola Loncar - could you please email me? I have something I'd like to discuss with you in private. The…
I've created a service called _dummy, because I don't want it to show in the front end. I did create…
Hi, new verson is up for EasyAppointments :). What's new in 1.10.1 : Added tracking event in frontend so you…
Hi, there is new version of Extension plugin for EasyAppointments 0.8.3 with next changes: Bug fix for Appointments that are…
Hi, there is a mayor bug fix in Extension plugin with new version 0.8.2 so please update to latest version.…
New version of Easy Appointments 1.10.0 : Added Bulk connection builder. Now it’s possible to create multiple connections with couple…
There are some good news: EasyAppointments 1.9.27 fixed bug with custom fields that are no shown sometimes in customize page.…
Hi, there are new versions for both EasyAppointments and Extension. Main improvement there is resolving a issue with Polylang plugin…