Price for Booking

SupportPrice for Booking
cforce22 Staff asked 6 years ago
How can I change the word 'Price' to 'Deposit' on calendar? My clients are paying a deposit to book. I do not want them to think that they are paying for the entire service with the payment through the calendar.
1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 6 years ago
Hi, you can create a custom translation file for that one. EA can be translated for to any language also you can alter already existing translation files. Best regards, Nikola
william_beville Staff replied 4 years ago

Hi Nikola.

I too want to change to “Deposit” and for same reasons. Where can I find the translation file to edit?

Nikola Loncar Staff replied 4 years ago

You can find it under plugin folder, but best way is to create own version and store it outside plugin so it will stay there after update.

Best regards,

william_beville Staff replied 4 years ago

Sorry Nikola but how do I do this?

william_beville Staff replied 4 years ago

I looked in the “Plugin” folder under both EA and EA Connect and I still cannot find the “Translation” file. Is it under another name?