Removing time slots from front end calendar.

SupportRemoving time slots from front end calendar.
stevedwell Staff asked 8 years ago
Hi,  I would like to remove any timeslots that are taken on a given day in the frontend bootstrap calendar.... Is this possible to not show them instead of just graying them out?
4 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 8 years ago

Hi, yes you can do that by adding custom styles. Like this :

.time-disabled {

Best regards,


stevedwell Staff answered 8 years ago
Thanks a ton! Could this be an option one day? Because when I update your code I would have to reload the css files.
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 8 years ago
you're welcome, you can set it inside EA > settings > customize page. There is a option field for that. Best regards, Nikola
stevedwell Staff replied 8 years ago

I added it to settings and they still show up. I’m using ea-bootstrap do i need a different class id?

stevedwell Staff replied 8 years ago


Nikola Loncar Staff answered 8 years ago

have you tried like :

.time-disabled.time-disabled.time-disabled {

Best regards,