Sort Drop-down Menus alphabetically.

SupportSort Drop-down Menus alphabetically.
stevedwell Staff asked 8 years ago
How can i sort the drop down menus for the front end and back-end alphabetically. Its kind of annoying when you have to search through the list.
1 Answers
stevedwell Staff answered 8 years ago
ea.Locations = <?php echo $this->models->get_pre_cache_json('ea_locations', array('name' => 'ASC')); ?>;
ea.Services = <?php echo $this->models->get_pre_cache_json('ea_services', array('name' => 'ASC')); ?>;
ea.Workers = <?php echo $this->models->get_pre_cache_json('ea_staff', array('name' => 'ASC')); ?>;
ea.MetaFields = <?php echo $this->models->get_pre_cache_json('ea_meta_fields', array('position' => 'ASC')); ?>;
ea.Status = <?php echo json_encode($this->logic->getStatus()); ?> This is how you would sort them alphabetically. Can you add this to the next build? file inlinedate.tpl.php